Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Two minute process (A.K.A. making an epic breakfast)


This was a fun assignment.  I was actually gone all weekend in Goblin Valley, so I had to just shoot some videos whilst camping.  I liked this assignment because you could do it anywhere, about anything.  I thought showing the process of making breakfast might be a little boring without any audio, so I tried to make it interesting in other ways.  Different angles, different characters, and random funny shots of my friend Rachel getting ready for church in the background added another process.  (Ok, so the Rachel part wasn't planned.)  The fact that we shot it in an epic camping site helped. 

I think this would be great to give my students as an assignment.  They have the freedom to record any process that they like, but it has to have a beginning, middle, and end.  You can be pretty creative even when there's no audio, or if you're doing just audio, you discover that you can show a lot more than you expected with only audio or visual.  It's not too time consuming, but does require thought and planning.  Presenting the end product should be enjoyable and because students know that they will be sharing with the entire class, I'd assume they'd put more time and effort into the assignment.

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