Monday, February 9, 2015

Tiny Story

Little Tommy had never tried liver before and was close to peeing himself he was so excited to take his first bite.

As he leaned in, a pterodactyl swooped right in front of his face, snatching the delicious liver right out from under his nose.

Eventually the tears subsided but the hunger pains did not, and he knew exactly what he had to do: take back what was rightfully his.

With no care for consequence, our protagonist resorted to force, revolutionizing from a simple seeker of justice into a monster.

All hell broke loose and he continued in his monstrous ways for many years until he could control himself.

I thought this was a fun and interesting assignment and really let the students' creativity come through.  It was kind of difficult because you could only write one sentence and had to continue the plot through so little text.  It's interesting because you can't rely on your own writing abilities alone, but those of your peers.  Adding peers makes it interesting, but I would have my students do this assignment in class instead of through an email chain. IF this was so hard to do as responsible college student, this would be hard as a high school or middle school student.

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